


中心体以外にも多岐に渡るプロジェクトを展開しています。例えば 、生体内の細胞間相互作用をin vitroで再構成し、最新の細胞遺伝学や次世代シークエンシング等の手法を適用することで、新しい分野を開拓することを目指しています。下記がおおまかな進行中/計画中のテーマです。

● 中心体複製の分子機構の解明とその理論化
● 多様なマシナリーにより駆動される細胞分裂の分子基盤
● 非コードRNAが制御する細胞分裂の分子機構
● 繊毛の動態とシグナル伝達機構
● 比較がん細胞生物学と次世代型細胞分裂阻害剤の開発
● 細胞遺伝学的手法による細胞間コミュニケーションの解析

「NIGchannel研究者インタビュー 北川大樹 特任准教授」

Towards understanding how centrosomes duplicate once per cell cycle like DNA.

The mechanisms of centrosome duplication have been a long-standing mystery in biology for over a century. Like the genetic material, centrosome duplication must occur once per cell cycle, such that the two resulting centrosomes assemble a bipolar spindle, ensuring high fidelity chromosome segregation during mitosis. Aberration in the number of centrosomes is implicated in genome instability and tumor formation. The centrosome is composed of a pair of centrioles surrounded by pericentriolar material (PCM). Centrioles also have the capacity to act as basal bodies that generate cilia and flagella across eukaryotic evolution. Despite being essential for centrosome duplication, the mechanisms governing centriole formation remain poorly understood.

Our laboratory mainly focuses on understanding the mechanisms of centrosome duplication, with a particular emphasis on the molecular basis of centriole formation. To this end, we are currently utilizing the combination of innovative and multi-disciplinary approaches including biophysics, biochemistry, structural biology, genetics and cell biology. We are investigating the following specific aims primarily by using many types of human cell lines as model systems.

● Mechanisms of centrosome duplication and its theoretical model
● Mechanisms of cell division regulated by divergent molecular machineries
● Identification and characterization of non-coding RNAs that regulate cell division
● Cilia and signal transduction
● Comparative cancer cell biology and its application to anticancer drug development
● Forward genetic analysis of cell-cell communication with human cells